art work
all by me, Ian (Jean) Cozzens, except as credited otherwise (collaborations & such).
Finished prints and drawings by myself are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Transparencies, preliminary drawings and rubyliths, and works in progress are 'all rights reserved'. Please don't reproduce them without getting in touch with me.
Participatory and community projects (on the other hand!) fall under the realm of ideas and are thus un-licensable and more or less uncontrollable. Please copy, derive, share, invent, repeat, adapt, improve, etc.
some are by me, most are by others:
art work documentation:
city-building projects:
new urban arts:
Photographs, writing, and web site code by myself are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
All work by others is used with permission and copyright to them unless specified otherwise.
web site
the main site is designed and coded by me, writing html & css, figuring it out as I go along. If you find any broken stuff, please tell me about it.
the updates page and the store are powered by the sweet WordPress blogging platform, which I highly recommend.
there used to be a note here about how I would encourage you to learn html & css & make your own website, but five years later it's a little less applicable: there are some decent wordpress portfolio templates and other possible cheap/free ways for artists to get their work up on the internet fast (faster than it takes to make your own durn website, at least). I would still encourage people to not be scared of the logic of html/css, it's pretty fun & challenging & interesting... but there might be better / more efficient ways to have a web presence & get back to drawing or playing music or whatever you like to do.
that said, here are some of the web resources I used to learn html & make this site! good luck have fun!
web site design tutorials & resources:
very comprehensive & well organized, good for beginners & as a resource
extremely comprehensive, simply explained, and cleanly laid out. His explanation of Javascript is the clearest I have found.
indispensable demo page for layout with css
I adapted this simple javascript image gallery by Jeremy Keith
this page, on positioning with css, was a constant reference
and last but not least, the essential
...this one is nice because it lays the colors out in a way that lets the numbers make sense.
crucial open-source software downloads:
you are probably already using this browser
text-editing program
ftp software
...and a
crucial add-ons for Firefox:
hides out in the bottom border of the browser & lets you inspect & debug your pages, as well as investigating how other web sites use structure & layout.
multi-functional toolbar to test, measure, outline, validate, etc...