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buildings from the second day of the city

twins tower

tallest building — it has a satellite — it's tall (almost up to your shoulders, taller than me!!) — it's bigger than the other tower. It has a bridge that goes to the other building. — David

haunted house

We did it on our own. WIth a little help from Anusha. We made spider webs for the roof. We made spiders, a slide, a door, window, ghost, and a spider box that said if you dare open this box you will get a surprise. A spider will jump out at you. — Des-Nette
Des-Nette helped me do the haunted house and Anusha helped us and the roof has spider webs and we have a spider and we have a box and it has a surprise and I think the slide has a spider on the top and the door has a lot of stuff on it and ours is the best. — Caitlyn
(front door and inside the haunted house)

booby trap building (continued)

I made a trap or two. My trap had sticky things on it. — Owen
I put a string on cardboard then I made a pulley and I held it with something and when the robbers will move it and then they will be trapped. — Nate


I made more people. I made a ship. I made a sandbox. Love — Alana
I made a sandbox. And a mareyground. — Sabina

highway work

Today I started a new highway, I made the supports and the streets. That's it! — Marco

white house

Luke made the white house where we lived when he was born. It was 67 Preston St. in Fox Point. It had a red door and a black roof and we lived there for 3 years. We loved living there but we like where we live now very much. — Christina


My boat gots a motor. I made it out of cardboard and I made decorations and I covered it all by myself. — Khalil

cell tower

— James
the top of the cell tower, without the cover

water slide

I thought that when New York is hot the people need water, it's refreshing. — Miranda

Fox Point library

I made a library and I want a lot of library so people can read their library book. I used cardboard, tape, yarn, paper books, we have every book you can think of. — Rebecca


I built a helicopter for the common use of all the residents of the city. It is to be shared liberally. Be careful: it is a little temperamental starting up in the winter. Also, the windshield wipers need to be replaced. — Chris